Thursday, December 4, 2008


There will be rain here
We normally run for shelter
Who wants to be wet in the rain
And look like a helpless chick in the drain?

There will be rain
And we will be seeking shades under the trees
And run towards waiting sheds where the rain
Cannot harm our sensibilities,

There will be rain and more rains to come
In our lives, and we always run for secure
Shelters, and we always have umbrellas,
And raincoats, and closed cars, we hide to places
Where The rain cannot harm us,

But today, there is rain, and I will take
Another action, I will not run for shelter,
Or take shades in trees, or be in waiting sheds,
I will not even open my car, get into it and close it,

I am not afraid of rain now; I have no fears getting wet 
And look like a helpless chick, I will run in the
Middle of the rain, I will play in the rain, I will
Be with the rain throughout its pouring,
I will be wet, and it will rain and rain,
Let it rain and rain and rain 
You will not see, my tears falling, tears hiding in the rain.

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