Tuesday, August 25, 2009


This poem is inspired by a movie ”speak”. A television film about a 15 yr old gal, who is raped.unable to tell anyone about it, her life becomes numb, where she is jus livin for the sake of it..

Its another normal day at school

For everyone

But me...

I try hard to concentrate

In class,

But i jus wander off

Like always.

I wish i could jus disappear,

None would notice that i was gone.

But its not possible,

No matter how hard i try.

Life hasn’t been easy

Since The day when it all happened.

My friends...best friends,

Are no longer there for me.

They blame me for all that happened.

I wish i could tell them,

Tell them what he did to me.

Wish i could speak.

But the words jus wont come out.

I doubt they ever would.

Another has come to an end,

My efforts to lead a normal life

Have failed


Tomorrow will be yet another normal day

For all but me...

i gues i would die,

tryin to speak...

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


I cried in pain,

My misery unheard.

Why was it so difficult,


No1 there to answer,


The pain is unbearable,

I wanna scream!

Wanna run away

To a place unknown...

I feel dead

From within

Like der is no soul..

Within me..

I keep waitin for it...

My tears have dried up now,

My eyes are red..

My screams are silenced..

N So am i....forever

And ever....

Monday, August 10, 2009

happy place

She walked down the aisle,

Nervous yet excited,

She looked up to see

All those, who had come

To be a part of her big day.

She felt some1 squeeze her hand,

And lukd up to see her dad,

Smiling at her assuringly,

His eyes filld wid tears

As he saw his lil princess

Take a huge step,

Towards her new life.

Her eyes searched for HIM,

And there he was,

Lookin at her,

His piercing eyes

Making her blush...

All those around them

Awed as they witnessed

Their love for each other.

Her heart melted at the smile

On his face...

She could c the happiness on his face...

They said their vows,

Each word carrying more meaning,

More love for each other...

She felt the tears trickle down Her face,

He caught them

And kept them close to his heart...

Kissing her gently..

Stating wordlessly, she was his now...


Accepting the wishes of al..

They walked hand in hand,

As She took her first step...

With him in their happy place...

Friday, May 15, 2009

Lost in my thoughts ,

I Think about all that has happened,

the moments i cherish,

the moments i regret,

The dreams i hold deep within.


How i wish i could relive those moments again,

How i wish i could laugh at my silliness,

 N Cry at the smallest of things, again.


Wish i could wonder off to my dreamland,

Unknown to all but me,

For It's there where i look for all that i have lost.


But alas, its just a dream world,

Truth is what i am today

A different person in all

Torn apart by the wrong and right,

Unable to decide

Frustration takes over me,

With mixed feelings in my heart

I Hope and pray

That tomorrow is not as hard as today.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


It is cold today
Indeed the rain is falling and I am alone.
Thoughts of life and love,
meaningless to anyone but myself.
I am alone.
They watch me, their eyes not knowing,
knowing nothing of what they see.
I am but another creature, alone.
They scurry on the surface, unaware,
unaware of the life below
when you are alone.

Loneliness, not a burden nor a sorrow,
but a time of solace, of deepness
never to be shared, never to be understood.
They can never reach the place where I am
And I know I will never reach the place where they are.
I know I don't want to reach that place.
True happiness is here, unmisted.
Unmisted by smiles or laughter,
unmisted by the joys of company.

To find true happiness,
to know if one is truly happy,
he must be happy alone.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

another collge week....

k...so nothin much happenin apart frm collge...
i got my results..n amazingly i did way better den last term!...yh my previous posts say tht da last term suckd..it did!!.n i thot tht da end results wud b worse!..bt well...it wasnt so!!..
so who sayz a gud start makes a gud end...I dont think so:D...
yh...so results were gud..managed da scholarship..so feels gr8..wht more my 1st assignment was rated da BEST among all da mgmt sections!..wohhooo!!parrttyyy!!!
weell..yh dis term seems much better....n its not so tiring......jus 4 sum reason..i like dis term..da subjects r fine..lol...now i hav 2 classes were i can doze off!..ECOMM n IBM...
our ECOMM faculty..wich courtesy our collge..teaches only my class n no1 else!..n she is a pain!!..now no1 really is interested in her class..she is a bore!..i mean she jus jumps from slide 1 to 10...i mean..helloo!!...wht abt da rest 9?!...lost i gues..n plus!..she walks around da entire clas!..garden hai kya!?...
worse!..she catches me n my frends every class!...she thinks v aint listenin wich is tru ofcourse!..bt hey!..who is!?...
so yh..1 day i got freakin pissd..n gav her da answer...complete 1...on her face..i didnt even knw how i knew it..bt i gues..previous courses...n al..jus said sum common stuff..n she was like..ok..."she is listenin"...
lol.after tht day...she never messd wid us!..hehe..it was fun...i jus luv it wen i prove piple wrong...now dont take it in an arrogant way....nothin lidat..jus tht...well..she thot v were useles..i jus proved her wrong..thts al...
yh so thts ECOMM...now IBM!..well!1..he is a sample case!..his classes r fun..bt he tends to go overboard at tyms...cheap jokes...bt still..i can doze off..so no probs!..
okk..i gues i shud go now...got work!!..cyaaa

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

another day,another sem...

2 weeks since da new sem started..n em already loaded wid assignments!....well..dis term is very important for me!...well..dis term i choose specialization!..yh!...finance thts wht i want..n hav 2 work hard..real hard!..wich calls for less of chattin,fb!..calls etc.
it feels so weird...it was jus 2 yrz back tht i had steppd out of skool..n on my way 2 collge..n now..jus a yr more n dem em outta collge...into the real world...em not really excited abt collge...bt yh wen em workin..em surely gonna miss it...da useless cafefree dayz!...
dis sem is ok...finally dragged anisa to my class...a relief...now i can rely on sum1 for notes!...lol....
hmmm...wht else...al is fine til now..still waitin for results..hope dey r gud!..so not hopin for a scholarship!..
newyz...thts it for now...

Monday, January 19, 2009

To those i luv......

When I'm gone, release me,
let me go.
You have so many things to do and c.
You musn't tie Yourself to me with tears.
Be happy that we had so many years.
I gave you my love,
You can only guess how much You gave 
to me in happiness.
I thank you for the love you have shown
But its time I travelled alone.
So grieve a while for me, if grieve u must 
then let your grief be comforted by trust.
Its only for a while that we must apart,
so bless the memories, with your heart
I wont be far away for life goes on.
So if you need me, call, I'll come.
Though you can't see or touch me,
I'll be near.
And if you listen with your heart
U'll hear.
All of my love around you,soft and clear.
And then when you must come this way Alone,
I'll greet you with a smile and welcome you home.