Monday, August 10, 2009

happy place

She walked down the aisle,

Nervous yet excited,

She looked up to see

All those, who had come

To be a part of her big day.

She felt some1 squeeze her hand,

And lukd up to see her dad,

Smiling at her assuringly,

His eyes filld wid tears

As he saw his lil princess

Take a huge step,

Towards her new life.

Her eyes searched for HIM,

And there he was,

Lookin at her,

His piercing eyes

Making her blush...

All those around them

Awed as they witnessed

Their love for each other.

Her heart melted at the smile

On his face...

She could c the happiness on his face...

They said their vows,

Each word carrying more meaning,

More love for each other...

She felt the tears trickle down Her face,

He caught them

And kept them close to his heart...

Kissing her gently..

Stating wordlessly, she was his now...


Accepting the wishes of al..

They walked hand in hand,

As She took her first step...

With him in their happy place...

1 comment:

Anisa said...

awwww babe thas rellyyy touchin,,,i luvd it :D
n did u lik gt ur 'D GUY' ,,,,is tht y ur ritin such poems :p